Mindful Expansion Masterclass

A revolutionary approach to shifting your mindset

Mindful Expansion Masterclass features easy-to-implement exercises and strategies to manifest abundance, healing and growth in your personal and professional life. 

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Do Any of These Sound Like YOU?

  • "I want to experience greatness in my life but I feel stuck."
  • "No matter how hard I try, abundance does not seem to come easily."
  • "As I try to grow my business, I seem to hit one roadblock after another."
  • "I am clear on my goals, but unsure of the steps I need to take to achieve them."
  • ​"I have heard about the power of manifesting, but do not understand what it means."​

If so, you're definitely not alone! You are here for a reason!

Hi, my name is Kristie Anne...best selling author, master mindset coach, and certified BodyTalk practitioner

4 years ago, my husband was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, one of the deadliest cancers in the world...and 24 tumors in multiple organs!

Little did I know, it would turn out to be the beginning of our new lives!

This TERRIBLE time in my life turned out to be the catalyst for a NEW way of thinking, living and experiencing life!

His diagnosis was our awakening that there was more to life... more to do than just survive, and it opened our eyes to the incredible power of the mind.

We're completely different people now...and a large part of that is because of the exact steps I am going to share with you here. 

I'd love to introduce you and guide you through the next steps of your journey inside of Mindful Expansion Masterclass.

I have applied these exact steps to every aspect of my life, and the transformations have been jaw-dropping. When you shift your mindset at a deep level, you can expand your business, change your life...

And become who you were meant to be!

Join Me On A Journey Of Expansion, Abundance and Growth!

Time to Realize your True Potential!


Mindful Expansion Masterclass

Mindful Expansion Masterclass gives you the tools you need to change your perception and outlook in order to greatly improve your life.

Here's Everything You'll Get... 

  • 20+ Video trainings that walk you step by step through every part of the journey ($497 Value)
  • ​Experience the Journey to the Magical Healing Place ($197 Value)
  • The Dream Diamond and the Power of Manifestation ($97 Value)
  • Change your Perception, Change your Life ($97 Value)
  • Gratitude and Heart/Brain Coherence ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus: Gratitude for Life Journal
  • ​Bonus: Access to a chapter from my new book The Day The Cancer Quit
  • ​Bonus: Color Visualization Samples
  • Bonus: Conscious vs. Subconscious Mind PDF guide

Total Value: $985


Inside the Masterclass, I'll Teach You How to...

Create your Magical Healing Place

The Journey to the Magical Healing places is a SIMPLE and POWERFUL tool to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Harness your Dream Diamond


Use the Power of Manifestation


Change your Perception


Live with True Gratitude

GRATITUDE is a KEY TOOL to rewire neural pathways and ATTRACT GREATNESS into your LIFE!

Sync your Heart and Brain

Learn the power of the formula ACHIEVING IT= BELIEVING IT + FEELING IT!

Are You Ready to Expand Your Mind and Manifest Happiness and Abundance in Your Life?

The Mindful Expansion Masterclass is a step-by-step guide that will teach you how to harness the power of your mind and manifest what you want in life.

You’ll learn about the science behind manifestation, as well as practical tools and techniques that can help you create positive change in your life.

Imagine being able to attract anything into your life with ease!

With this course, not only will you be able to do just that but also live an abundant lifestyle filled with love, health, wealth and happiness.

I created this Masterclass after spending YEARS studying manifestation...so I know exactly what works best when it comes to creating lasting change in your life.

Now it’s time for YOU get on board!

Click the link below to add Mindful Expansion Masterclass to your order and start manifesting lasting positive change in your life, TODAY!

Here’s Exactly What We'll Cover In The Mindful Expansion Masterclass

Part 1

The Journey to the Magical Healing Place

In part 1 of Mindful Expansion Masterclass, we'll cover everything you need to get started on creating your new destiny using "The Journey to the Magical Healing Place." 

What's Included?

  • Welcome & Overview of Mindful Expansion Masterclass: Learn about the true power of the subconscious mind, and the truth that we have everything we need inside of us to achieve greatness.
  • Creating a Magical Healing Place: I'll give you my best tips and tricks to get the most out of your healing place, and how to utilize it on a daily basis to transform your life. 
  • Your Personalized Dream Diamond and Manifesting: Learn about the true nature of manifesting on a deep and powerful level, and how to use your Dream Diamond to align and achieve goals truly meant for you! 
  • Never forget about the importance of trust. You are here for a reason, and all will unfold in divine timing.... so dive in and get started!

Part 2

Expanding Your Mindset

In part 2 of Mindful Expansion Masterclass, we'll dive deep into the nature of reality, and how to achieve your personal and professional goals. 

What's Included?

  • Change your Perception, Change your Life: Learn how limiting beliefs can be holding us back without our awareness, and how to shift them to achieve a new level of growth and potential.
  • The Importance of Gratitude: I'll share my story of how leading with gratitude has completely changed the person I am today...and then show you how to do the same for yourself! I will also share the truth of low vibration and high frequency emotions, and how the practice of gratitude can expedite manifestations.
  • Heart/Brain Coherence: We will discuss how our body and mind are a collective unit, and simple steps to enhance communication between the two. 
  • ​To complete the course, I have a very special surprise Advanced Technique that will help speed up your results. Join now to experience it first hand.

When you're finished with Mindful Expansion Masterclass, you'll know exactly how to...


Open your mind to the simple steps of creating your healing place, and begin to welcome the immediate and lasting benefits it can provide.


Tap into the unlimited potentials awaiting you to align with your personalized vision and goals.


Believe in the power you hold to co-create your reality with the abundance of the Universe.


Understand how to use your healing place, and your Dream Diamond to make the most out of your business goals and life! 


Form a routine to incrementally transform your life on all levels- attracting and manifesting abundance in all aspects of business and personal development. 
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When you're finished with Mindful Expansion, you'll know exactly how to...


Open your mind to the power of meditation and begin to welcome the immediate and lasting benefits it can provide.


Create a daily routine and meditation space that will allow you to quickly and easily make meditation part of your everyday life.


Use the basic fundamentals of breathwork and meditation in a way that isn't over complicated or frustrating...no matter what experience you have.


Expand your mind through the power of gratitude, manifestation, and affirmation using the Expand Your Mindset guided meditation.


Form a healing meditation routine that can be used daily to improve sleep, reduce stress & anxiety, and achieve an improved state of holistic health in your life.
Get Instant Access to Mindful Expansion

Let Mindful Expansion Masterclass Be Your Guide to Manifesting and Achieving your Life and Business Goals

Whether you have experience or are brand new to meditation, Mindful Expansion Masterclass will help you create a stress-free healing place and routine that promotes continued growth and expands your mindset.

Both Terri and I have been using these exact methods, and our own healing place, for the past several years, and now I'd like to share my own routine and strategies with you.

Inside Mindful Expansion Masterclass, I outline step-by-step instructions on how to set up your healing place, manifest using your Dream Diamond, and step into the light of the entrepreneur your are meant to be..... including lots of extra special bonuses along the way. 

Mindful Expansion Masterclass will give you the tools you need to overcome obstacles you are facing, manifest abundance in your life and business, and step into the light of being your fabulous authentic self.
Whether you have experience or are brand new to meditation, Mindful Expansion will help you create a stress-free meditation routine that promotes continued healing and expands your mindset.

Both Terri and I have been using meditation for the past several years, and now I'd like to share my own routine and guided meditation with you.

Inside Mindful Expansion, I outline step-by-step instructions on how to set up to meditate, and also include the meditation itself, “Expand your Mindset - For a New Life.”

Mindful Expansion will give you the tools you need to overcome obstacles you are facing, reduce anxiety in your life, and step into the light of being your fabulous authentic self.

Mindful Expansion Masterclass

Mindful Expansion Masterclass gives you the tools you need to change your perception and outlook in order to greatly improve your life.

Here's Everything You'll Get... 

  • 20+ Video trainings that walk you step by step through every part of the journey ($497 Value)
  • ​Experience the Journey to the Magical Healing Place ($197 Value)
  • The Dream Diamond and the Power of Manifestation ($97 Value)
  • Change your Perception, Change your Life ($97 Value)
  • Gratitude and Heart/Brain Coherence ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus: Gratitude for Life Journal
  • ​Bonus: Access to a chapter from my new book The Day The Cancer Quit
  • ​Bonus: Color Visualization Samples
  • Bonus: Conscious vs. Subconscious Mind PDF guide

Total Value: $985


Frequently Asked Questions

I've never meditated before. Will this work for me?
YES! Mindful Expansion Masterclass was designed with beginners in mind, but can work for any level of skill.
Can I access the lessons on my phone?
Yes, the lessons can be accessed by phone, tablet, or computer. 

All of the lessons will be organized in a convenient membership area you can access from anywhere.
How is this different than all the other meditation courses out there?
Mindful Expansion Masterclass is unlike any other course, and is meant to be easy to use, quick to implement, and you'll be able to see results almost immediately.

Unlike other courses, I walk you through every step of the way AND provide you all the tools you can use daily to achieve your goals and dreams. 
What if I need more help?
You can contact me DIRECTLY at any time at kam@kristieannemah.com and I'd be happy to help!
© All Rights Reserved | Kristie Anne Mah
Results not guaranteed. Any of the content here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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